

Let’s get to know each other a little.

On the internet people know me as Madicattt but in real life most people call me Maddy. Sometimes people call me Madeleine as well and once I got to review Madeline the movie on the Big Jaffa Picture show. I was eight and got very nervous and very confused when the host asked me if I was named after Madeline in Paris or Madeleine Palmer. Now I know what he meant. Oops.

I’ve have two degrees, one in Health Sciences and one in Arts majoring in English and touching on Politics and Māori Studies. I did them at the same time – what you’d call a conjoint because it all seemed to flow together so nicely.

I also run Tell Tale Theatre Company. Last year we produced our first play, Hell’s Teeth which was very exciting. Now we’re writing new ones which we can’t wait to share with the world.

As a gen Y’er I’m also quite prone to liking social media and the internet. This is where this blog comes in. It started off as a way for me to practice writing and it’s become a font for things that I like. Theatre, Food, Politics and Opinions, occasionally Fashion and Beauty. If I like it, I’ll blog about. If I don’t… I won’t.

Also, sometimes I get sent things and alot of the time I get comps to shows as a reviewer. Because of the ol’ blog transparency thing from January 2014 things I’ve received for free will be * (It seems to work for a lot of other people). Receiving things from people for free does not affect my opinion of a product at all. It may mean that I get to try it out when I wouldn’t otherwise BUT what I said above still holds true – If I like it, I’ll blog about. If I don’t… I won’t. I won’t say something is great unless I genuinely like it (whether that means you’ll like it is another thing altogether but that’s what blogs are about right?). Phew.

So sit back, enjoy reading and please feel free to have a chat!


Other ways to see what I’m up to (that sounds creepier than it should!) are:



12 Responses to Hello!

  1. Thanks for popping over to All Mussed Up today, and for following along on my adventures! My very best friend lives in Auckland, so I have a special place in my heart for it. I’m stoked to get a peek into your life there. (:

  2. fromthomas77b says:

    Thanks for sharing your Grandpa’s work, it is very beautiful !

  3. I nominated you for the Versatile Blogger Award :) Check my latest blog post for info ♥

  4. Libby Hakaraia says:

    I’m lost for words really Maddy. You have them all and you use them so well. Keep writing – i’ll keep reading.

  5. You are soooo cute. It was a pleasure meeting you at the bloggers awards night! Keep doing all of this (imagine a sweet hand action here), because it’s great x


  6. Potiki Cooper says:

    Hi! Maddy this is so awesome, Keep up the great work, it’s fab :) x

  7. Brilliant blog!!! LOVE IT! Especially the well thought out opinion pieces…

I don't bite, comment here